Alternative Health Research LLC

Gout Care By Smith & Smith Est.1998


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Kevin Eric Smith ,

New Year's Resolution: Gout Free in the New Year

new year gout free

What is the number one reason that New Year's resolutions fail?

Most people know what they want, but they don't fully understand how to actually achieve their goal. Most resolutions require a decent amount of patience and understanding, and whole lot of effort. We cannot treat a marathon like a sprint; bad habits don't die easily. You must approach this goal with the understanding that Gout did not take place overnight, and neither will your healing. So many people fail at achieving their goals because they are in too much of a hurry and desire immediate satisfaction. When it comes to Gout pain, it is easily understood why we resort to quick-fix prescription medications even though we know they aren't really "fixing" anything. We need immediate pain relief, and rightfully so. However, you can still begin the true healing process and we can show you the way.

Having a New Year's Resolution for Joint health and Gout Control is a great idea. You may know what you want, but not how to go about achieving this goal - BUT WE DO!

A few life-changing Louise Hay Affirmations by Jennifer Williamson - You CAN Heal Your Life:

"I listen with love to my body's messages.

My body responds to the way I treat it, speak to it, and think of it. I nourish my body with healthy food and helpful thoughts. I speak to it like a friend, and so it is a friend."

"Nourishing myself is a joyful experience, and I am worth the time spent on my healing.

I am worthy of the time I spend on my healing. I am allowed to heal, to feel better, and to honor the pain without getting stuck there."

"I am constantly discovering new ways to improve my health.

I am open to new solutions and ways to heal. I have an open heart and an open mind. I'm willing to see what I wasn't willing to see before. I'm willing to try new things and ask for help and give myself the grace of patience as I explore."

How can we help you?

While we sell the best, natural Gout supplements on the market, we also provide free and valuable information WITHOUT purchase.

Supplements are often the missing link to people's Gout control efforts. You can follow every suggestion below and make a big difference in your health, regardless. What supplements offer in addition to lifestyle changes is the ability to boost the very systems of the body that have been "beat up on" for years. The more cleansing and daily support you can provide to your body, the easier you can heal and maintain control. Repairing your body at a cellular level is key to this new health quest. Supplements provide the tool(s) necessary to support this effort.

One cannot "try" to heal, one must "do" healing.

gout free guy

Everything you see below likely will seem repetitive and redundant, not unlike all the other suggestions you've read about time and again. However, we are equally as likely to provide reasoning for those suggestions that are unlike what you've heard before. We've been experts in Gout control for over two decades.

Weight Loss

Ironically enough, this is usually the actual resolution for many people without Gout. When it comes to Gout Control, it needs to be an intricate part of your goal if you are overweight. Obesity is a top contributor to Gout development, but fast weight loss can also bring on an attack.

Stress Control

Stress is a lurid offender to our health. It can alter the cells in our body and cause chronic inflammation. See how stress may be affecting your health in ways you may not even have been aware of:

Proper Hydration

Nothing counts as water except for water. Nothing. Do not fool yourself into believing that you can remain properly hydrated drinking coffee, tea, juices, and soda. No vitamin water, spritzers, etc. So how much, what kind, and why is it so important to Gout Control?

Dismiss the Protein Myths

Protein is essential to every organ and function of our bodies. It is time to dispel the myths and learn how to eat properly when you suffer with Gout.

Find an exercise you enjoy, and stick with it

Weight loss and stress control rely heavily on balanced diet AND exercise. Exercise doesn't have to be the bane of your existence. Take a hike breathe in the beauty of the nature around you. Not only is this good exercise but great stress relief, as well. Here are some other important notes regarding exercise and Gout reduction:

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*The products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and they are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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Alternative Health Research LLC T/A Smith and Smith Enterprises 11941 Main St. - Unit 130, Libertytown, MD 21762-1100 . All Rights Reserved.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.